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“I’ve got this plant growing in my garden…”

This is quite a common question we get asked at the Garden.  Sometimes its just a description, sometimes a photograph, sometimes a scrap of the plant itself.  Quite often the plants are described as “Triffids”.  The last one in this blog was sent in from a lady whose son had taken a sudden interest in growing tomatoes.  Tomatoes with a funny smell….

“This suddenly started growing in my garden, its got a pretty flower like a potato and fruit like a tomato.  Is it poisonous?”  This is the Kangaroo Apple, Solanum laciniatum.  It is poisonous, but are you likely to eat it?  (Invariably the owner will destroy the plant.)

“This suddenly started growing in my garden, its got a pretty flower and has these spiky pods.  Is it poisonous?  Is it a weed?”  This is the Thorn Apple, Datura stramonium.  It is very poisonous, but are you likely to eat it?  It is a weed if its growing where you don’t want it.

“This suddenly started growing in my garden, its taller than I am.  Does it flower?”  This is Echium pininana.  It is the huge blue flowered plant you see all over the garden.   It dies after flowering. (Dismay.  How dare plants die after flowering.  Its an outrage).

This is Cannabis sativa.  You might want to have a word with your son…..