Plant & seed sales
Our Plant Sales area is located in the piazza outside the Garden entrance. A wide range of the stunning plants from the Garden are available to purchase, including our trademark Echiums, colourful Lampranthus, new Canna cultivars and our own sky blue hybrid Agapanthus.
The extensive range includes rarities, oddities and esoteric plants for the plantsman or plant collector. A range of seeds harvested at the Garden is also available for sale. within our shop.
Both plants and seed can be bought securely from this site, Click here to be redirected to the secure online sales pages.
We can reserve plants for later collection (within a reasonable time frame) and propagate to order. For mail order enquiries contact Chris Kidd 01983 855397 or email sales@botanic.co.uk
Tel: 01983 855397 | Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Company C.I.C | Company Number: 07976468 | Registered Address: Undercliff Drive, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1UL